When you having a Volunteering page in your packet, your visitors will be presented with a potentially long list of open volunteer positions that they can sign up for.  If it's too long, you can split this up into multiple Volunteering pages, by specifying that each page show only the volunteer positions for a specific program (rather than all programs).  But often it makes more sense just to keep all the volunteer positions on a single page.  If you do have a long list on a single page, then you will likely want the volunteer positions to show up in a certain order instead of in some random order.  This explains how you can specify the order for the volunteer positions.

The volunteer positions in the packet will be first grouped by program.  That is, all volunteer positions belonging to a certain program will always show up together in the list.  So, it is important that when you add volunteer positions into the system, that you organize them into the correct programs.

The overall sequence of the programs on the page can be changed as follows.  First, sign in to your website as the Admin, and go to your Programs page.  Use the green up/down arrows to change the order of the programs, and then press Save Changes.

Next, to change the order of volunteer positions within a program, go to your Volunteer positions page.  Choose your program from the drop down list, and press Refresh.  Then, use the green up/down arrows to change the order of the volunteer positions, and press Save Changes.